Saturday, July 10, 2010

morning rents

I ponder, I... ponder...punder...poonder...pander...panda...
I panda.
Panda's look like zebras.  I am not a zebra.  Therefore, I am not a panda.
It's a bear.  Small bear.  I like them big.  I am a big bear.  Black or brown?
More brown, I guess.  I am a big brown bear. 
Therefore, I will grin and bear it.
The burdens, the life.  Is it injustice? No, it's just life.  Life is good.  Life is tough.  Not bad, though.  Pretty good.  When it becomes bad, we have the choice to end it.  Free will and stuff.  Then we don't have life.  So we can't say life is bad.  Because we no longer have it.  The Lord doesn't let you have more burdens then you can handle.  Because if he does give you a heavier cross, then you will most likely die.  Therefore, you are no longer given a heavy cross to bear, because you can rest in pieces.  Life is just.
And still...I panda, panda, panda...I zebra? NO, I'm a lion.  Yellowish orangy hairy thing.  I am going bold.  My hair is not red.  I am not a lion.  Lions have red hair.  Hunted by Big Business.  Stay in the zoos in urban areas.  Prisonish...  I am free.  Free to work 9 to 5, free to keep my mouth shut, free to not participate in any movements that may jeopardize my life.  Freedom to pay taxes.  Freedom to pay for housing and utilities.  Freedom to pay for gas for car and for food.  These freedoms are taken away in prison.  Government pays for your bed, utilities and food.  You don't drive your car to 9 to 5 work.  You are not free.  You can say any derogatory terms and it will be ok.  Only in jail.  Not outside.  That's order.  If you want to curse all the time, you can only get that freedom in jail.  Or if you are a married man.  Or a celebrity.  Marriage, celebrity status, prison.  SO much in common.  Look up - point up - see the rich and powerful... if you are in jail, soon it could be you.  Life's Promise.  Do something, pay something, get something.  Funny... or sad? Sad and funny.  I don't want to do something... I don't want to pay anything... I don't wish to get something...  Makes sense?  Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.  AH...  I don't want to do the time...  It's timely enough as it is.  Therefore, no crime for me.  I pay my parking tickets, yeah.   Hey, don't bother me, I can fart too!  I deserve human rights, I fart! animals...and birds...and fishes under see...We are all brothers and sisters...Because nobody can find a real Father and Mother figures...  We are Family, we got all our sisters and me... Ya...I want to upgrade my computer.  Almost all games I bought are not playing properly because I have old video card.  Also, I need to get a new mirror for my car....  I am lazy, I don't want to go to store...Bought a NextStar SATA drive holder for almost 100 bucks just to find out my old hard drives weren't SATA...Felt stupid...  I could have spend the money on some other useless and meaningless junk.  Like computer games...that you play for a week and then forget...  Have to see parents today...  I am off to balance my testosterone levels on MFC....  meah

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