Saturday, January 4, 2014

after blizzard

It wasn't a serious snowstorm on Friday morning, but I had to take a bus and left my car in its parking space instead of digging it out.  There is a rain coming tomorrow, with much higher temperatures, so the snow should melt on its own.  My WoT is finally functioning properly: turned out it was an NVIDIA driver issue.  Now I have to reinstall it after starting the computer and I can play at 60 fps throughout the day.  If it freezes 4-5 hours later (do I need more time though?), I just reinstall it and everything works again.  Takes 4-5 minutes.  I was so happy I played T71 in Tier 10 match and not only got out of it without any damage, but managed to get a third place relative to damage inflicted - that's the lowest placed tank in 7 to 8 tier games, played with tier 9 and 10 tanks.  I am very happy I resolved WoT issues, since without being able to achieve something on this multiplayer server, it becomes painfully obvious that I can't boast of any other achievements in my life...  I am drinking hot cocoa, eating mashed spinach w/walnut paste (Georgian cuisine), enjoying the weather and hot showers.

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