It was a very busy day at work. I even had to stay one hour over. I have to work this Sunday, even it's more like volunteering. Comes with a job. Thank goodness for having a job, it's a great help in existing. It was another scorcher outside: the sun was hot, the weather was hot, everyone was hot. I had rice and roasted potatoes for lunch, but had to dispose of rice because it smelled very peculiar. I did not wish to risk my health, it's not in its best shape right now. Turned out I forgot to send the rental payment in the beginning of month and I expediently put it in the mailbox today. Just had chickpeas. It's so hot, I don't think I'll eat anything else until my air conditioning unit will lower the temperature of apt. Or I should just chug the rest of the mango juice in the fridge?
Yesterday installed and played Rise of the Legends. Will do the same later on. Luckily, my cigarettes came in. I am happier now. Life is not so bad, it's pretty good. I just wish it would never happen to me again on this planet. Otherwise, I am satisfied with everything. From my whispers to God's ears....what?
By the way, I keep noticing Blogger putting Mormon videos in my ads space...that's weird. What if I am not a Mormon? Should I be promoting some other faith? Well, it doesn't matter anyway, just weird...who knows, maybe tomorrow they will put some extremist agenda as well...should I contact them? It's too hot, maybe later. It's just too hot right now, I don't want to think too much.
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