Yesterday finally finished the last extra mission in Tropico 4 and played some of the "build-yourself" challenges. Today I took a day off to get replacement of my driver licence and registration. The day is very hot. I stopped by NetCost Market and bought carrot juice, Tarhun, Baikal, Italian risotto rice, Polish Macedonski soup. I don't feel like continuing playing Far Cry 2, even though it seems to be getting better with weapon upgrades.
I had an argument with my parents this holiday and got verbally nastier than usual. I guess it was a cumulative effect of their guard-prisoner like relationship with me. Surprisingly, I noticed that peoples were nicer to me today, even let me get ahead of them in line at DMV and supermarket. I have many theories about it, but no definitive answer. As I was waiting for a subway train on NY Aquarium/W8th Street, I recalled that I was working cleaning the streets on Surf Avenue when I was 16 and that was the same spot I used to sit on waiting for train to go home from work, only the seats looked different. I noticed that I was sitting with very similar feelings, feeling about the same as now. It felt like after 21 years of life everything was pretty much the same as it was then, except feelings were conscious and well-understood, and instead of vegetative youthful existence there is an aged, matured version of same. I also noticed that the soundtrack of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. that I like to hear so much while playing these game series incorporates that same sound I can hear near or on subways when the train is coming to a stop. Tomorrow I will go back to work.
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