Finished all campaigns in Greed Corp. Purchased another discounted (less than 4 dollars) game: Bloody Good Time. So far tried to play it, but just getting killed and still can't figure out how to shoot from the inventory. Does not look like I will be trying to play it much longer, but then again, it cost me less than daily lunch. Parent's computer is in a constant self-deleting-self-restoring loop: tried to tinker with it, but it doesn't work. I thought it had something to do with my lack of Windows 7 system knowledge, but when a computer resets to factory settings and deletes everything on drive every time you restart it or shut it down and turn it on, it doesn't take a genius to figure out something is majorly wrong with it. Since it was purchased less than 30 days ago, I'll escort my parents to Best Buy this Saturday to return the computer and exchange it. It did not ruin my opinion of Asus computers: I knew from the start they are more specialized in laptops. But I guess it was on a very good sale...
Had a discussion with father about life: we both agreed on one thing for sure: it's short, whether you are satisfied with it or feel like you didn't get your share of positive emotions.
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