Saturday, January 1, 2011

So it's 2011. How deep does my hole go?

Here's another New Year.  The year of a rabbit.  The year of the tiger was not significant, not positive, nor negative.  Let me hope that the year of a rabbit will be the same, uneventful, not important, less stressful.  Watching TV programming in 2 languages yesterday, I noticed that many anchors and TV guests believe there will be some comet coming from the sky or some sort of global huge disaster that will eliminate life on Earth in the next year, or the following one.   I personally do not believe in that.  Yes, resources will be scarce, maybe lack of abundance of food, energy, electricity; yes, maybe some ethnic and racial violence here and there, maybe some more nutty orders, but other than that I don't think there is anything that's coming from outer space to "settle the Universal score or do some divine revenge on peoples".  
It's up to people how long they live, how good they live.  Everybody is the King and Queen all-in-one for at most 120 years.  Doesn't really matter how you are: you still got 120 years, if holy books are not saying it just for the sake of worry for us.  However, it seems I don't see many people who live beyond that age, so I suppose there must be truth to that.  Either way, it's January 2011 and I am still alive.  That's a surprise to me.  Unexpected gift from God...longevity of life...I thought I'd be dead looong time ago.  So, with this post, I would like to thank God for being God, and wish Him many more years of health and happiness.  Wish people more tolerance, more brainpower, more spiritual growth.  Wish everybody PEACE.  And to myself, of course.  Because it's all about Peace.

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