Monday, January 31, 2011
headache day
Just ate pasta (spaghetti) with couscous (fried). Very tasty. Had some Mr. Brown coffee in a can and smoking Hilton Gold. Had a headache all day, even now. Was notified at work about an award for good work. Will have to go out for some event in two days. The snow is still on the streets, hard to find a parking space. There could be another snow blizzard tomorrow. Playing Farmerama still... Checked for new games: nothing interesting for a long while. Not much to do...
Friday, January 28, 2011
tiri tiri bom
There was another snowstorm. I had to dig some-some yesterday late evening with help from my father who bought me a shovel. I got out fine, but there was a problem with finding parking. Same problem happened when I got back home. At work I ate chick peas, beets, yellow rice with herbs. After work I had a lot of ziti with Mr. Brown coffee. I found out that honey is also non-vegan food: for some reason, I didn't feel it. I guess I should stop using it. Playing Farmarama, if you can call it "playing". In the news more unrest around the world. Rapture and stuff... expected stuff. Nothing new or interesting. My toilet is less plugged today, that's a good news. Tomorrow is another day and then another evening, another night, which will gradually change into the bright morning. Nothing else changes.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Playing Farmerama in between replaying STALKER: Call of Pripyat. It's a childish game designed to waste time watching the crops grow...but there is just nothing else to do at this time. It was a busy day at work and after coming home I had to look for a parking spot for an hour due to another snowstorm. Smaller, yet... Opened a can of potatoes, sliced. Fried them on the skillet with herbs, salt, oil. Turned out to be tasty. This is the third consequent day when I don't get hungry. Today I even skipped lunch. Wasn't hungry. Feels so weird...wonder if it has anything to do with antibitics in my grandmother.
This month will have the most posts. It is most likely due to a crisis in computer gaming industry. Not much to buy lately... Nothing that stands out as more than 2 1/2 star game. Haven't found even a 3 star game lately. Bought some natural supplement to combat anemia. Chinese herbs, works. Life is satisfactory at the moment. We'll see how it will go. Have to remember where I parked my car tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
strength training
Went to see Alice after work, I was tired and my stomach was bloating with gas. On the way back, bought three slices of vegan tomato sauce pizza - one for tomorrow morning. Got some drinks, mostly Snapple brand. Continuing replaying STALKER: Call of Pripyat. It's cold outside. It was slightly snowing during the night, not a lot. Smoking Seven Stars. Pretty good. For the second day in a row I don't get hungry soon after eating. Yesterday it felt very weird, I even had an extra coffee, as a laxative. Wonder how long this streak will last...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Cleaning Day
Today is a cleaning day: a woman came in to clean my apartment. It was noted that a thorough cleaning of it would take more than one day and she agreed to come next week. Bathroom was clogged: used Liquid Plummer. So far so good. Bought lunch at local Deli since the kitchen is getting cleaned and I can't prepare food: two rolls with avocados, lettuce, mustard, onions, tomatoes; mash potatoes; home made fries and Snapple (peach). My father dropped by and gave me a mushroom soup. That was nice. Then my parents went to visit my grandmother in the hospital. I'll see her tomorrow.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Sad, but true: the STALKER game download sold separately of STALKER: Call of Pripyat on is nothing more than a ploy to earn extra dollars from the big fans of the game trilogy: it's not an expansion on Pripyat, it's the same game. Nevertheless, since there is nothing else to play, I am replaying it on veteran level.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dog needed to be taken to vet today. Grandmother had high fever and was taken to the hospital. Had to stay over at work for more than an hour. Just ate fried bean curd in a plastic bag: figured out it could be microwaved - much tastier.
Tonight is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. night, although I doubt expansion changed anything in the game...Dry Korean broad noodles with mushroom sauce and salt...comes with some weird soup base...hopefully vegan...I don't know...same Ramen noodle I think...costs as much... It's so quiet outside, makes me feel happier. So calm. Another winter storm is expected, with up to 6 inches of snow. Snapple peach ice tea still tastes good. Nothing more to add...
Tonight is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. night, although I doubt expansion changed anything in the game...Dry Korean broad noodles with mushroom sauce and salt...comes with some weird soup base...hopefully vegan...I don't know...same Ramen noodle I think...costs as much... It's so quiet outside, makes me feel happier. So calm. Another winter storm is expected, with up to 6 inches of snow. Snapple peach ice tea still tastes good. Nothing more to add...
Yesterday I ate at King's Buffet on 86th and U: as usually, food was cleanly prepared, tasty. Downloading Loyalty Expansion pack for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. from - hoping it's actually an expansion pack, not the same game under a different advertisement. Already rethought going to Italy: I just don't feel safe on the airplanes anymore...gets me anxious and I can't even smoke there. I am now thinking of a train ride somewhere. Maybe across the States, maybe somewhere near, to some desolate less habitable place where I can enjoy nature and lack of big city environment. Still undecided. Blood suckers have been too active lately, it's hard to walk again. Probably need to see Alice soon. Money is flowing out so fast, it feels like I am living a pay check to pay check. Must be a result of a recession, because I recall having more money saved with less salary just three years ago. I am sure majority has the same issues nowdays. I guess it's not the leadership, it's just that time in history, when all unpaid debts are piling up to tell us: no future you would enjoy, kids.
Monday, January 17, 2011
peace is on my mind
Still thinking of a March trip to Italy.
Maybe I'll go to San Marino and take a bus to Venecia.
I'm still undecided about Rome.
Didn't do anything all day. Just layed in bed, chilled.
Planning not to do anything till the end of this day.
Maybe I'll go to San Marino and take a bus to Venecia.
I'm still undecided about Rome.
Didn't do anything all day. Just layed in bed, chilled.
Planning not to do anything till the end of this day.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
my boring life
Visited my grandmother, ate vinegret salad (beets and potatoes with sour lettuce salad), fried cauliflower, tea, brought her water, discussed various issues, translated mail. Came back to realize that I don't have any more PC games to play and browsing the net realized there is nothing new and great out there to purchase. Already tired of replaying same games... don't know what to do with my time. It's boring here.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
crisis in gaming industry!
Just uninstalled Necrovision. Just bad. The theme was bad enough, but the level of graphics (old), the Boss man fight in first chapter...I just did not want to get more aggravated, so I deleted it. An old friend called from across the ocean...don't know some news about people from "old" life, don't know why... Where can I buy a decent PC game?!?
Visited parents, got a haircut, bought lots of vegan food and lots of beverages. Received another package of Hilton Gold. Snow is melting, easier to find parking place. Generally bored, nothing to do. I guess I will install Necrovision: there is a long weekend ahead. Don't think I will like that game, for some reason. Mood is ok, not too much coffee/espresso, even had a hot tea at parent's apartment. Got a card from the landlord. Smoking Peace cigarettes, 21mg tar and 1.9mg nicotine...dizzying... I got no questions and there is no answers I can give.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Came back from work an hour late. Boiled cut zitis with mushroom dry sauce, garlic salt, regular salt. Ate them. Very nice. Had an espresso. Now baking a very large potato. It was sunny today. Snow is turning black, easier to get the car out. Not easy enough to cancel the alternative parking rules. I found out that Monday is a holiday (MLK) and I can stay home to play computer games. Yippee!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
not a smart move, but I got some exercise
Got to work on time, it was a busy day. I thought I will be smart in finding a quick parking spot as I got back, so I rammed the car in reverse into the snowy place. Guess my car wasn't too strong: got so stuck, took me two hours or so using shovels to get it out and repark. Luckily, our building super was walking by and gave me the snow shovel...turns out I don't recall where I put mine. Now I am drinking instant miso soup, preparing Goya zitis with mushroom sauce, drinking Cambell's tomato juice.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow storm wasn't as bad as predicted. I was able to get to work before my appointed time. It was harder to find parking going back. If no more snow will be falling, I should be able to get out in 20 minutes max tomorrow. It was a busy day at work, almost as busy as yesterday. Not that it's a heavy physical job anyway. Still did not book vacation, but already decided to go in March and seemingly decided where to go. I'll take a two-week vacation and if planes won't fall be back by end of March. Something tells me it could be my last international trip, considering economy, falling birds and planes, new floods and other stuff like that. I did not feel like installing Necrovision. I am replaying Plants vs. Zombies now. Simple, so my mind relaxes, not concentrates. Tonight I will have fried buckwheat noodles and tea for dinner. I already noticed that I put just too much garlic salt...or maybe it's the flavor that is created when you mix Somen soup base with oregano spices... Received a package from China: Seven Stars carton, Japanese cigarettes. Not bad, 1.2 mg nicotine.
another snow-in...
It is snowing, indeed. So far just 6 inches, no more. I put magnesium salt around my car now, maybe it will help in few hours. It's 3:28am. I can't sleep no more... when I went to bed I had everything on: computer, heater, stove...woke up with a thirst for water, body got overheated. I guess the central heating system also kicked in when I was asleep. Dreams are unexciting... Revelations are mediocre at best.... Nothing is really too exciting... It ain't going nowhere. At least, nowhere good. And if it doesn't lead nowhere good for me, surely it won't lead anywhere good for anybody.
I thought the government was snow removal machines are out...can't they clean it overnight, for extra pay? In recession, surely many workers would agree, for extra buck.
I thought the government was snow removal machines are out...can't they clean it overnight, for extra pay? In recession, surely many workers would agree, for extra buck.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
smoking is expensive nowdays
The whole city is prepared for a snow emergency tomorrow. Radio is stating that surrounding counties and states below are already "blizzarded" and we are definitely next. I really don't want to walk to work by foot again.
Got Hiltons. Smoking Peace cigarettes: cost me 90 bucks to get here...too expensive per carton even though they are clearly better than cigarettes around here. My banking account is almost 0.
Got Hiltons. Smoking Peace cigarettes: cost me 90 bucks to get here...too expensive per carton even though they are clearly better than cigarettes around here. My banking account is almost 0.
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's all about Peace
A thought of the day: if anyone would ask me today who would I like to be born on Earth as again (meaning ethnicity, race, social class, etc) I would have a solid answer: nobody. Maybe it's appreciation of all people, maybe it's appreciation of life, but that answer seems to stand the test of time. I don't believe I deserve to be a part of such wonderful world... I didn't earn that right. And with God's help, I'll manage not to strive too hard.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The dove of peace have crossed my mind again...
Reading the world news with my morning espresso, I was thanking God in my mind for making sure I don't have to take any responsibilities or worry about the global events: things are going haywire, birds are falling, fish is dying, floods are killing thousands, earthquakes destroy large cultured centers, and now we are getting a global cooling effect from the global warming....meaning, that things will not get any better, but worse.
It is these moments when I feel thankful for fellow brothers and sisters in spirit for taking the responsibility of saving their lives and/or spirits off my shoulders. I am grateful to God and humanity for not having any faith in me, since it turned out that there was not much to believe in the first place. I feel comfortable that even in my sickest moment I was not able to reach anyone's mind and find understanding, which could lead to some action, that I could regret now or later. I stand totally innocent of any wrongdoing at the world's end. This would not be possible without everyone's help. Peace is in my heart. And no worries.
It is these moments when I feel thankful for fellow brothers and sisters in spirit for taking the responsibility of saving their lives and/or spirits off my shoulders. I am grateful to God and humanity for not having any faith in me, since it turned out that there was not much to believe in the first place. I feel comfortable that even in my sickest moment I was not able to reach anyone's mind and find understanding, which could lead to some action, that I could regret now or later. I stand totally innocent of any wrongdoing at the world's end. This would not be possible without everyone's help. Peace is in my heart. And no worries.
Friday, January 7, 2011
nothing comes to mind....
It's snowing again. After work I went to deli shop and bought four sandwiches with avacado, mustard, onions, lettuce and tomatoes. Three are already gone... I find it very comforting to sit in silence next to computer after coming from work... Sometimes I don't need to play games, just sit, check the news, without any noise...with the oven on, heating the apartment. Maybe these are my quiet, happy moments...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
So it's 2011. How deep does my hole go?

It's up to people how long they live, how good they live. Everybody is the King and Queen all-in-one for at most 120 years. Doesn't really matter how you are: you still got 120 years, if holy books are not saying it just for the sake of worry for us. However, it seems I don't see many people who live beyond that age, so I suppose there must be truth to that. Either way, it's January 2011 and I am still alive. That's a surprise to me. Unexpected gift from God...longevity of life...I thought I'd be dead looong time ago. So, with this post, I would like to thank God for being God, and wish Him many more years of health and happiness. Wish people more tolerance, more brainpower, more spiritual growth. Wish everybody PEACE. And to myself, of course. Because it's all about Peace.
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