Tuesday, September 14, 2010

peace on earth

Got a cheap Crane humidifier: supposed to help with allergies, make breathing easier, prevent flu-like symptoms....still testing.  Bought some oils for smell: fancy, expensive eucalyptus (~8$) and three 50-cent oils from 99c store: lemon grass, lemon and lilac.  Drinking new flavor Brisk ice tea: peach - not bad, better than their lemon ice tea - will buy again if available at local supermarket.  First day at work was busy, still have stuff to do tomorrow.  Came back from work, ate pasta, slept till 12am.  Now most likely will not sleep all night.  Had decent dreams: almost without violence.  Everything seems to be normal with life.  For some reason, it's not as exciting anymore.  I don't know why, something is missing.  Feels like the whole world died in me.  I like the numbness though.  Will research later.  Also, got another mandatory invite to be a juror.  What a joke this citizen right: it's mandatory.  If you don't come: 30 days in jail and/or 1000 dollars fine.  Shouldn't it be elective if it's my naturalized citizen-democratic right?  Another right - drop everything and go serve in Army in case of global war.  Or what, you get shot?  I wonder if there any actual positive rights to being a US citizen...  not mandatory "freedoms".  I guess you can travel anywhere with just a passport, that's it.  Which is a benefit that every country gives by law.  I don't want to be a juror.  Let people judge, or God.  What if I actually strive to follow the "suggestion" of "Though shalt not judge or you shalt be judged"?  That doesn't fit into the law system with jury duty.  Now I will install Advent Rising.  I doubt I will like that game, but that's all I got left.

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