Just came back: it was great, I wasn't chosen.
Almost got lost on the way back.
Went to Chinese supermarket and bought a new saucepan: bigger, thicker, stronger, with strong handle.
Also purchased birch tree sap juice, fried tofu for miso soup, Arizona Ice Teas, another type of tofu, and a new plastic broad deep plate, in which I just had a miso soup. Saw the same pickles I had yesterday, at a cheaper price - bought it as well. Rent payment and ConEd bill is in the mail. Drinking Manhattan Special Espresso Coffee Soda...large bottle: price has increased to almost 4 dollars...
In the lobby of the Supreme Court - free Metro newspapers, with large two-page spread about the world ending on May 21, 2011. Didn't look like a gag... At the same time we were watching a news report on TV that the whole Europe is under terrorist threat....I thought it would be great if they could get better microphones or at least get a large screen where the names of potential jury members would appear...but that's none of my business for the next 8 years. Went to Pizza Hot: got specialty pizza combo, expensive for such a little thing, but tasty and without cheese, as requested. Had an avacado roll sandwich with TLOM. Had two types of Starbucks canned coffee: doubleshot espresso and cream and the regular coffee. Both were aweful....But we don't have any alternative in US: on that note, bought two "mystery" cans with different coffee in cans in Chinese store. Cheap. Will try later. Humidifier is working. Now air conditioner didn't: the outlet shorted out - got an extension court - works. Received a game highly recommended by the dude who suggested Borderlands: World of Warcraft. I would never buy strictly RPG games - never liked them, but...I wouldn't order Borderlands without his encouragement and that game was surprisingly awesome. I will install it after finishing Avatar...which has graphics, but the sound is all screwed up, patches don't work - and sometimes I just get bored playing it...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tomorrow is Jury Duty day
Tomorrow I have to wake up earlier to go to court. I will be mandated to be a juror. If I will refuse to come I may be liable to pay 1,000 dollars and / or go to jail for a month. I may be raped and tortured by the prisoners: killers and rapists who sit there... I may die in a brawl fight caused by some inmate that is doing 25 to life anyway...without any confrontation from my side, just because it's "fun" for some. All of these life-changing things may happen to me if I will not go to court tomorrow. That's freedom of choice right there: who would want to have all these things happen in their life for just oversleeping? Of course, I will make it my naturalized citizen duty! For our country and its awesome legal system, not like in Soviet Union, where they had mandated rights you cannot refuse, like voting for example. That's real democracy and freedom! Clearly something to die in war over... I will turn on both alarm clocks and ask my parents to call me...it's a free democratic country after all and I am its citizen. I don't want to die because I overslept or missed a subway train*.
On a lighter note, I accidentally purchased amazing baby pickles in a Russian food store (near or close to Europe, or inside?) on Brighton Beach: Dill & Garlik pickles (red letters on green field), R&S, packed in India for Infost Fine Foods (for Israel). 32 Fl oz. Must buy again. I was speechless...or maybe I overate...
Now I am finishing off Japanese buckwheat noodles in Somba noodle base (soy base).
I drank another Lavazza espresso, with lots of sugar, smoking - life is good. I have a wish to live longer.
* to be censored later due to freedom of press
On a lighter note, I accidentally purchased amazing baby pickles in a Russian food store (near or close to Europe, or inside?) on Brighton Beach: Dill & Garlik pickles (red letters on green field), R&S, packed in India for Infost Fine Foods (for Israel). 32 Fl oz. Must buy again. I was speechless...or maybe I overate...
Now I am finishing off Japanese buckwheat noodles in Somba noodle base (soy base).
I drank another Lavazza espresso, with lots of sugar, smoking - life is good. I have a wish to live longer.
* to be censored later due to freedom of press
Sunday, September 26, 2010
games save brains from thinking!
When I started playing Fear I noticed it was vaguely familiar. As I was finishing the first level, I realized that I played demo in 2005. I recalled playing multiplayer and liking it. I usually don't like multiplayer games, but that one was good. Suddenly, I don't feel like finishing it off... I have a feeling that demo was shorter...I must have played the actual game, probably the Beta version or something like that, that came free on FilePlanet or some other similar site. I put off for a while two other games I got on the unbelievable sale, practically dirt cheap: Fear: Perseus Mandate and Fear 2.
I splurged on the PC games this month. I bought more than usual: I still have untouched box with APB: All Points Bulletin and The Club, both on cheapest sale possible (actually, the last game mentioned cost me 2 dollars w/out shipping). I have a feeling I will be disappointed whether I will play Fear with add-on or APB, Club...maybe I will like Fear 2...but doubtfully that much. I will have to order Bioshock 2... Looking back, it was an excellent game. But the best thing that is coming out soon is still not available: FallOut4: New Vegas...should be out on October 19, as I recall. Then, it will be a long wait until January 11th release of Max Payne 3... It is almost certain that between these games I will not find anything amusing for me to do...as I strive...for peaceful existence:)
I splurged on the PC games this month. I bought more than usual: I still have untouched box with APB: All Points Bulletin and The Club, both on cheapest sale possible (actually, the last game mentioned cost me 2 dollars w/out shipping). I have a feeling I will be disappointed whether I will play Fear with add-on or APB, Club...maybe I will like Fear 2...but doubtfully that much. I will have to order Bioshock 2... Looking back, it was an excellent game. But the best thing that is coming out soon is still not available: FallOut4: New Vegas...should be out on October 19, as I recall. Then, it will be a long wait until January 11th release of Max Payne 3... It is almost certain that between these games I will not find anything amusing for me to do...as I strive...for peaceful existence:)
Just finished playing Bioshock on hard settings. Very good game, even ending is nice and big boss fight is not overwhelming. I think I will buy Bioshock 2 even though based on reviews it is not as good as the first one.
My humidifier is acting weird: it stuck and I cannot dissemble it to fill with more water. I unplugged it, let it chill...instructions say: just lift the tank for water off the machine...it just won't lift...tried with a knife and screwdriver... not even a possibility in instructions...I'll try tomorrow...or I will break it.
My humidifier is acting weird: it stuck and I cannot dissemble it to fill with more water. I unplugged it, let it chill...instructions say: just lift the tank for water off the machine...it just won't lift...tried with a knife and screwdriver... not even a possibility in instructions...I'll try tomorrow...or I will break it.
Friday, September 24, 2010
alternative parking is still suspended...
Today I ordered Chinese food: bean curd in garlic sauce with white rice. I ordered a quart size. To my surprise, I did not finish the plate. Then I had an euphoric rare experience of enjoying feeling food in my stomach for more than 2 hours (!) without feelings of hunger, being eaten alive or drained. It was amazing. The last time I felt this way was in 1996 or 1997. Then I forced myself to go to bathroom even though I did not wish to go: because it felt weird, unaccustomed, forgotten.
Now I will finish my Lavazza espresso with coffee creamer and sugar, smoke some Davidoff and continue playing the game Bioshock. Did I mention it's a very weird game?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
roaming thoughts about nothing in particular
Today after work I visited my favorite Chinese supermarket and bought the stuff I like to eat and drink. I was pleasantly surprised to see more choices of Japanese food available. At home I had Lavazza espresso coffee, and it was awesome. I saw this advertisement on one of rice packages, where a person was wrapping rice with the chop sticks into a free seaweed wrapper. I thought: I have these wrappers at home in huge amount, yet I did not figure out to do that! What a great idea: so I prepared Aruzzo Curry Rice (spanish style) and tried to do that. Of course, it took a long time with chopsticks, so I got impatient and used my fingers. That was great. Then I took a hot bath with fizzle ball and Epson salts. That was also great. It turned out to be a wonderful evening.

It's these little spots of happiness that make this life more than tolerable and wonderful. In these rare moments I actually feel like there is something to thank God for in this life... And the thanks are indeed sincere, without any back thought. Did I mention it was a very sunshiny day? That was warm...also quite nice. Now I am drinking Snapple peach ice tea and smoking Davidoff... As I do that, I wonder: is this life can ever get better than this? And the answer that comes to mind is a definite NO. And that makes these moments even better. Sometimes you are happy and you know it. That's happiness. It will not be like that forever. I enjoy it while it lasts. I wish to have many more evenings like tonight. All alone, satisfied with life, satisfied with self. Sometimes the journey of getting somewhere is the best part of vacation. I used to believe in the destination, and now I just enjoy the ride...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
holiday news
I am going to visit my parents. Today is an arguably most important Jewish holiday - Yom Kippur. They have a holiday dinner ready. I have to be there by 8:20pm. My air conditioner stopped working. I checked - it's the outlet, it's stopped working. I need to buy an extension cord. Maybe it's a sign from God - that I won't need an air conditioner, things going to cool...? Maybe it's just an old outlet and I need to call super to fix it. There is no way to know for sure. That's what we call "faith-based" answer. In my defense, I just played several hours of Tropico 3 listening to the radio DJ Huanito... Tomorrow I am planning to work an extra day for free...just because I like peoples:)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
no topic, playing Tropic
I wanted to get a dinner with penne pasta and Amy's organic soups, but I accidentally opened the can with stir-fry Asian mushrooms. I decided to add them to the split pea soup which I am now enjoying. Penne pasta is good: added cilantro base mix, garlic salt, Soba noodle base, Kikkoman diet soy sauce and some dried herbs.
It was a busy day at work. Advent Rising: didn't even finish first levels...got bored...you can sense it's not a new game...made in 2005 and it shows.
I will play the rest of campaigns in Tropico 3 instead.
It was a busy day at work. Advent Rising: didn't even finish first levels...got bored...you can sense it's not a new game...made in 2005 and it shows.
I will play the rest of campaigns in Tropico 3 instead.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
peace on earth
Got a cheap Crane humidifier: supposed to help with allergies, make breathing easier, prevent flu-like symptoms....still testing. Bought some oils for smell: fancy, expensive eucalyptus (~8$) and three 50-cent oils from 99c store: lemon grass, lemon and lilac. Drinking new flavor Brisk ice tea: peach - not bad, better than their lemon ice tea - will buy again if available at local supermarket. First day at work was busy, still have stuff to do tomorrow. Came back from work, ate pasta, slept till 12am. Now most likely will not sleep all night. Had decent dreams: almost without violence. Everything seems to be normal with life. For some reason, it's not as exciting anymore. I don't know why, something is missing. Feels like the whole world died in me. I like the numbness though. Will research later. Also, got another mandatory invite to be a juror. What a joke this citizen right: it's mandatory. If you don't come: 30 days in jail and/or 1000 dollars fine. Shouldn't it be elective if it's my naturalized citizen-democratic right? Another right - drop everything and go serve in Army in case of global war. Or what, you get shot? I wonder if there any actual positive rights to being a US citizen... not mandatory "freedoms". I guess you can travel anywhere with just a passport, that's it. Which is a benefit that every country gives by law. I don't want to be a juror. Let people judge, or God. What if I actually strive to follow the "suggestion" of "Though shalt not judge or you shalt be judged"? That doesn't fit into the law system with jury duty. Now I will install Advent Rising. I doubt I will like that game, but that's all I got left.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
looks like I have more content to post this time
The big news is that my refrigerator, where the food is getting so rotten it smells in the apartment, is not fixable.
I was offered a new replacement by landlord, but I decided to buy it myself to prevent increase in rent: same size apartments just a floor up cost 100+ dollars more. It seems if installation of new bathtub cost an increase in rent, a new fridge should do as well. Anyway, my parents, as usually, got overly crazy about taking me to buy a fridge. Of course, I will insist on something smaller, they will enforce their control and I will end up paying more money for some veggie form thing on bottom of fridge that I never use. Unfortunately, that's nothing new...
The Turok game: it did not impress me from beginning, except for great graphics. The weapons were not exciting except for one or two: after Borderlands, it was an issue. I gave up on it where Turok has to fight the tank; maybe I will continue some time later. I installed another game that I got on sale: Wanted: Weapons of Fate. I did not see the movie, but noticed that some characters are recognizable as Hollywood actors. From the first scenes I thought I was playing Earth Defender mixed with Wild-West shooting: characters have very limited mobility, even though special moves are great. I was not excited about it all the way to the main boss fight - then I got half through it and stop concentrating - got bored...so the character got shot... maybe I will play it later, when I am very bored. It's almost over... Actually, I did not like the whole story behind the game - but that's up to Hollywood, I guess, not up to computer game staff. I still have one more game in my arsenal of bought-dinner-cheap games: Advent Rising. I will probably install it after tomorrow's purchase of a fridge. Tomorrow will suck bad, but it is necessary to have a refrigerator in apartment.
It's 1:25 pm now. I just woke up from a nap. I am preparing Goya Curry Rice. Then I will go back to bed. Unfortunately, I might wake up with a slightly bigger stomach. But that's the price for happiness. It's my vacation time after all, and it ends sooner than I felt it would.
I was offered a new replacement by landlord, but I decided to buy it myself to prevent increase in rent: same size apartments just a floor up cost 100+ dollars more. It seems if installation of new bathtub cost an increase in rent, a new fridge should do as well. Anyway, my parents, as usually, got overly crazy about taking me to buy a fridge. Of course, I will insist on something smaller, they will enforce their control and I will end up paying more money for some veggie form thing on bottom of fridge that I never use. Unfortunately, that's nothing new...
The Turok game: it did not impress me from beginning, except for great graphics. The weapons were not exciting except for one or two: after Borderlands, it was an issue. I gave up on it where Turok has to fight the tank; maybe I will continue some time later. I installed another game that I got on sale: Wanted: Weapons of Fate. I did not see the movie, but noticed that some characters are recognizable as Hollywood actors. From the first scenes I thought I was playing Earth Defender mixed with Wild-West shooting: characters have very limited mobility, even though special moves are great. I was not excited about it all the way to the main boss fight - then I got half through it and stop concentrating - got bored...so the character got shot... maybe I will play it later, when I am very bored. It's almost over... Actually, I did not like the whole story behind the game - but that's up to Hollywood, I guess, not up to computer game staff. I still have one more game in my arsenal of bought-dinner-cheap games: Advent Rising. I will probably install it after tomorrow's purchase of a fridge. Tomorrow will suck bad, but it is necessary to have a refrigerator in apartment.
It's 1:25 pm now. I just woke up from a nap. I am preparing Goya Curry Rice. Then I will go back to bed. Unfortunately, I might wake up with a slightly bigger stomach. But that's the price for happiness. It's my vacation time after all, and it ends sooner than I felt it would.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
nothing to do, vacation time.
I finished the 5 wave challenges in all 3 arenas. Then the next mission, which is most likely not just second but the last one, tells you to finish 20 waves on 3 arenas. Finishing challenge on 1 of the arenas with 20 waves will take me a full day, 12-14 hours maybe... with breaks... I cannot deny that Underdome is a great idea for Borderlands and is very exciting. Very. But this challenge would take all day and I am not sure I want to kill my eyes for it. Maybe at some later time... Not today, most likely not tomorrow either...
By the way, I have this "new" game called Turok... maybe I will install it and see what it is like.
My refrigerator is not working. I called the landlord, left a note for the super. So far, super did not come to fix it. I will wait further. My acupuncturist said that I should take a break - my stomach is almost flat for now.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The zombie game add-on to Borderlands is finished. I am stuck on the first mission in Underdome: turned out to be tougher than expected, but very exciting. Took the last bag of laundry to cleaners, will pick it up later today.
After acupuncture I will attend a family Rosh Hashana dinner.
Something new is happening in my brain. It just started and will need to "grow and develop" over some unknown time. I don't really care...
Monday, September 6, 2010
vacation started
I just finished Borderlands. Tomorrow I will try to install double game add-on and continue playing it.
Of course, I only played this game as Brick. I have three more characters to choose from.
I think I got to Level 37 or 38. I was told it's possible to keep playing after "the End" to get to level 42 or something like that. Well, the surprise was the alien weapons: as awesome as all "earthly" weapons were, the alien weapons were really bad. I got "discounted" games through mail, maybe I will play one of them later.
Of course, I only played this game as Brick. I have three more characters to choose from.
I think I got to Level 37 or 38. I was told it's possible to keep playing after "the End" to get to level 42 or something like that. Well, the surprise was the alien weapons: as awesome as all "earthly" weapons were, the alien weapons were really bad. I got "discounted" games through mail, maybe I will play one of them later.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Labor Day Week
Tomorrow will be Friday. Then there will be weekend. Then Labor Day - no need to work. Then I took four days of vacation. Lots of sleep is the goal.
I am eating an accidentally amazing pasta dish: since I cooked in a small saucepan, I boiled it over very low setting, then added: soba noodle base, two american soy cheese slices, vegeta and salt, soy sauce and "I can't believe it's not butter" spray (quite a few). Now I feel like: I can't believe it's over...
I am eating an accidentally amazing pasta dish: since I cooked in a small saucepan, I boiled it over very low setting, then added: soba noodle base, two american soy cheese slices, vegeta and salt, soy sauce and "I can't believe it's not butter" spray (quite a few). Now I feel like: I can't believe it's over...
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