My parents and myself went to Woodbury Outlet Mall, one of the largest malls in the upstate NY. The choices/selection was clearly better than other malls. There were numerous designer labels and fancy clothing stores. However, the prices, even with 4th of July sales, were not as great as, for example, in any TJ Maxx stores, where we went as well. I bought three shirts, three ties, a new wallet (Timberland, 20bucks), and my parents bought me two more dress shirts and a new saucepan. We ate at Food Court at Au Bon Pain: lots of vegetarian and vegan choices, great food, but also expensive. On the way back we discussed where I can go for next vacation and found out that I don't feel like going anywhere at all. It's not that safe... and where it is reasonably safe, I don't wish to go... I think I will buy me some computer gadgets and games instead this year.
Weather was hot, and I walked a lot (noticed my growing stomach expanding), so I will look like an American Indian tomorrow... My parents told me I need to go to barber... I think I will do that next week. comfort zone by hyrkliot
P.S. The link that I was mentioning in the previous post is mysteriously gone. Heh, claimants:)
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