Today I received a lot of purchases including the espresso making machine. It's easy to handle. Espresso came out "ok", not Great. Maybe it was the brand of ground coffee. Frother works excellent. I don't use milk, but instead soy milk. It should be much harder to get frothed, however, the machine did it. It took me three espresso shots to make it "ok". I think I need to practice. It will get better, I think. Actually, it's good espresso, just blueberry flavor coffee, so the body does not recognize how much caffeine it has immediately. Now I feel it, about 10 minutes later. The only problem I might have to experience is luke warm compared to hot temperature of espresso - however, I was warned about it in some of the comments made on and I was ready for it - I need it for morning, hot espresso would not be gulped down as it's more than ok, it's fine.
I had trouble with regular sized cup - definitely need to buy a small cup, most likely in Chinese supermarket, I've seen there exactly what I need.
Also, I received a 40' duffel bag on wheels - very big, made me wonder why I would order something like that - I can fit there - until I recalled that it was on 70% off sale, which was the main reason for purchase. I don't like flying on planes, it's too scary - it's nerve wracking to think that you can fall and surely die for a long period of time. When the plane starts shaking, the belt-on warning comes on, all the statistics and latest TV news reports about more-than-ever falling planes come to mind - it's not worth it. Too bad, I wanted to see Machu Pichu and Isle of Man. I checked Amtrak vacations - but they are too expensive for me. I can't afford any. I was thinking about bus ride to Cape Cod - but what is there to do? Might as well go to Stowe, VT again - same thing.
Still playing Stalker 3 - what a wonderful game indeed.
Just getting better! I can't wait for Nov 16 release of Fallout: New Vegas.
Oh, yes, espresso is kicking didn't have the black color, was brownish... kicks like black...
After work I went to Stop&Shop. The store amazed me: it improved in the past month to be no less worthy than the PathMark on Nostrand Avenue. Selections are awesome. I bought lots of vegan food (almost $60 worth, it's expensive) with three kinds of ground coffee.
I made CD for my mother's work, ate blueberry bagel with Veggie Slices. Also, today I learned that boobz is an endearing term, not just female's breasts. I was walking around a lot in a suit after work - that was funny. I usually try to rush home and put on some bum clothes to make me feel comfy. Guess something is changing in my head... maybe I'm finally getting used to shirt'n'suit'n'tie thing.
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