World of Tanks wasn't working properly for a month. I was involved in a long discussion with technical support team, one of the solutions worked, but only for 24 hours, still don't know why my fps ratio went down significantly and ms delay went up as drastically. No change of settings is helping, so I not playing it much now. I played World of Warplanes, but it's just not the same experience, although it's fun.
It was decided not to purchase the 1-bedroom apt due to it being 1) not 1-bedroom apt, but a studio and 2) too much money for a studio. Parents are determined to secure my life with the housing purchase sooner or later. Their generosity with downpayment will get me into life-long debt to mortgage bank, but I suppose I have to be grateful for concern and support. There is a good news this week: 4 cartons of good cigarettes are now on my table.
Seems to be always busy at work lately, maybe I'm just tired. My previous vacation wasn't as inspiring as I expected...maybe I am just getting old(er)..and head baggage presses too hard on the brains...or I am very low on energy. I will try to take vacation next month, in the second part of December. Somewhere cold, where everyone speaks a foreign language, somewhere where there are really cheap vacation packages...
Tomorrow is another working day, I have to get some sleep.